Go to Czechtek Map 2004

CzechTek Map 2003

copyleft 23 alef (photoz&schema), f0b1c (code), freela (graphics)
TnX 2 exmasters adult hosting :)

Celkem 68 samostatných stages, v nich 119 soundsystemů, z toho 91 ČR, 28 zahraničních.
Total of 68 independent stages, featuring 119 soundsystems, out of which 91 Czech and 28 foreign

Stav v sobotu 26.7.2003, 9,00 – 17,00 hod.
State as of Saturday 26.7.2003, 9,00 – 17,00 hrs.

2nd field desert_storm field NSK field Main field Rear field